11 Mayıs 2014 Pazar

Journal Entry: 3

Today was a beautiful day; the sun was shining so bright it could almost melt away my troubles. The ground had a fresh layer of snow, like the wings of angels they framed every building of the city. Again, I sat in my usual place and watched everyone pass by. I watched old woman Natasha haul her lauds of flour from the factory to the nearby bakery, I watched Rolvitch sell his potatoes on the corner, and I watched the hungry mothers spend their last few coins on food for their families. While watching the police officers walk around, stomachs full and faces shining, I realized that everyone around me has been poisoned by ideas which they have no idea about. I doubt the man who beat my mother had read anything by Marx his whole entire life, and yet, there he was, seeing it perfectly just to do anything he wished in the name of something someone had half-heartedly explained to him. All anyone was told was that with communism they would have no more troubles, all they had to do was just follow their orders and they would get anything they wanted. We were told we would never be hungry or cold again. No one was educated in the villages, and more than religion a distorted vision of communism was used as opium against the people.
Maybe that was why I did nothing to save that man. Maybe under everything I had the belief that if I was to go against this perverted system, I to would be sent back to the bottom, loose everything I had to sell myself for during all of these years. I’m just so confused about my identity, about what I am. I was never pushed to this point by force, I always turned my back to those that warned me that if I played the games of the devil, I to would soon become one. Here it all is, spread out in front of me like a festival banquet, everything I’ve done to come here, all summarized during that one moment I witnessed less that 10 hours ago. It is the definition of my life, proof of my never ending cowardice I had never acknowledged until then. All of my friends used to say that if anyone was born to be a warrior it was me. They would say that it’s obvious from my face, from the way I look at people when I’m talking. Where is the warrior now? Who is he fighting for? Again, all I can say is, I don’t know.
Other than my usual bouts of confusion though out the day, I can’t say I’ve done anything productive except going to class. We had physics but I spent the whole time looking out the window at the wall that is right in front of it. There is a hole in it, inside which some sparrows have made a nest. I watched them methodically bring in little trinkets and branches, protecting themselves from the harsh winter outside. It was beautiful to watch, and I found it much more interesting than the methodical drone of my professor’s voice. I know I’ve come here to get a better education, but I can’t seem to get myself to concentrate on most of my classes. Yet another thing I cannot understand.
Still no news from Chinh and his miraculous plan, but he is no longer sick. They say the evil never die.
Still no letters from home either.

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