Our Cer Modern Exursion
A few weeks ago, our 9th grade class went on a field trip to the Dali exhibit at the Cer Modern Museum. Until we walked into the exhibit, I was expecting to see Dali's more famous paintings, like the ones with the melting clocks. Instead, I was met with a much more interesting site, the whole exhibit was based on Dante's Inferno. The exhibit was seperated into three sections, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso.
For Inferno, they painted the walls a deep red color, on each wall, there was a quote from the play, Inferno by Dante. On the walls, there were sketches and watercolors painted by Dali about the Inferno. They were beautiful. Each of them were different in there own way, but they all resembled each other in the fact that they all made you feel like you were in hell.
The second section, Pegatorio, had the walls painted in a cream white, and also had quotes from the play written on the walls. This time, there were watercolors made by Dali about the purgatory in Dante's Inderno. These paintings were alos very nice, they were very fresh. I thought that the paintings here were the most interesting.
The third and last section was Paradiso. The walls were painted in light blue, and like the other three sections had quotes from the play written on the walls. This section was my personal favorite because the painting were so clear and breezy. They were like a breath of fresh air.
I was never a big fan of Dali until I came to the exhibit. I used to find his paintings very closterphobic and the colors to deep. But the sketches and watercolors I saw in this exhibit were nothing of that sort. Like I said, they were fresh, and cool like breath of fresh air.
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