In the beginning of the novel 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley, there is a paragraph about utopias written in french by a russion religious and political philosopher, Nicholas Bedrieaff.
'La vie marche vers les utopies', he says, life is slowly becoming a utopia . And when it does, will we try to return to a non utopian society? Less perfect, and more free? This is what Nicholas asks, and this is what Aldous implies in his novel. A perfect life, is never perfect. Nor is a good person never bad, or a smart person never stupid. Life is balanced, it's the ying and yang, and anything that ever tries to be just the yang, or just the ying will never succeed. You can never have freedom and perfection in the same equation. Nature always wins, it always manages to balance the world for a few short seconds, until a new person decides to test his luck in the quest for a utopian society.
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